today's milestone is "creating a cleaner and more organized home."
i started the cleaning/organizing calendar last month and wanted to give an update on how it worked for me:
1. let's just get this out there......i did NOT do everything on the calendar...i was actually doing well if i got 1-2 extra things done (black words) each week.
2. i liked the checking off of things....there's my type A coming out again...
3. i did do the 11 weeks 'til summer challenge tasks and it's really amazing how an organized pantry or clean garage can really make a person feel's almost better than chocolate.....well, i said, "almost!"
here is the word document so that you can download it and make changes that work for your own home. (to download: click FILE--DOWNLOAD AS--WORD--SAVE FILE, then tweek in Microsoft Word and save into your documents)
the red tasks are things i will do on a weekly basis (like every monday i will do laundry and change our bedding--clean sheets every week make a girl feel better, too.....who knew!!)
the black tasks will be done monthly and can be moved around as my schedule permits. i will try and get them done sometime during that week though.
the yellow, highlighted tasks are part of my 11 Weeks 'Til Summer cleaning series. it focuses on organizing and cleaning those things i probably do only once or twice a year and is my attempt at "spring cleaning." you can still join and link up your spring cleaning projects, here.
if you used the calendar last month or use it this month, let me know how it is working for you!

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