last night, my friend, kelly, and I did some eating out, chatting, joann fabric-ing, and grocery shopping. it was a bunch of my favorite things combined!
a cheaper grocery bill doesn't mean cheaper-tasting meals. may's monthly menu guide has some new recipes (mostly from the RR show) and some old tried and true favorites.
(by the way, who tried that pepper steak recipe from last month and loved it as much as i did?!!)
here's everything for you to download and adapt for your own family:
click on file-download as--word--save as
may's monthly menu guide (blank monthly menu guide)
may's recipe samples
may's updated meal categories
my aldi shopping list was as follows:
fresh mushrooms (2)
navel oranges (bagged)
brocolli florets (2)
frozen peas (3)
frozen blueberries
3 boxes cereal
shredded sharp cheddar cheese
sweet potatoes (bagged)
grape tomatoes
white onions
fresh green beans in steam bag (3)
limes (bagged)
italian bag salad
spinach salad
red onions
chips (2)
milk (2 gallons)
pasta sauce
tomato paste
chicken broth
mandarin oranges (canned-3)
quart twinlock baggies
chuck tuna in water (2)
shredded Parmesan cheese (2)
fresh mozzarella
sharp cheddar cheese block
powdered sugar
sour cream
cream cheese
provolone cheese slices (man, we eat a lot of cheese!)
beef broth (2)
ham steak
cake mix
mini marshmallows (2)
graham crackers
chocolate chips
fruit strip snacks (2)
raisins 6 pack
butter (2)
grand total: $114.42 (this was down from last month's by $10.00)
by the way.....we made our grocery budget by a landslide for april!
week 1: $125.13 (aldi)
week 2: $42.33 (harris teeter with coupons)
week 3: $53.24 (harris teeter with coupons)
week 4: $40.10 (harris teeter with coupons--used stuff leftover in pantry)
total for april: $260.80
this is almost $100.00 less than our budgeted amount of $350/month!
that extra money is going to pay down debt (a major milestone).
tips to decreasing my grocery budget?
1. only go to the store once a week (and don't send the husbo for a "few" things here and there)
2. plan ahead --menu planning definitely works!
(need a refresher on how i menu plan? go here.)
3. coupon and shop discount stores like aldi
what do you do to keep your grocery budget in check? leave me a comment with your tips and i'll give them a try this month!

1 comment:
I am SO impressed with your grocery budget. Was the $260 for the entire month!?! How many people are in your family? Does it include household products like TP and cleaners?
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